Fashion Technology 1 has been one of the most challenging, yet rewarding classes that I have completed in my fashion student career so far. I had the honor of learning from Carlee Riggs, one of the most motivating people I have met in fashion thus far. She pushed my peers and I to do better, which lead me to want to challenge myself even more than the course already did. I spent many nights watching my computer crash after I had spent full days working on projects… I wish I was kidding! However, those stressful nights ended up being so worth it when I was able to complete this project and many others! This project is my interpretation of a modern day Marie-Antoinette. It incorporates today’s everyday trends with the Rococo fashion seen in the 18th Century. My project name, “Let Them Eat Cake” needs no explanation! Scroll down to see my project!


Project One


Project Three