Introducing Me

Hi, everyone! Welcome, and thank you so much for being here! I saw it fitting for me to take this opportunity to introduce myself in my first ever blog post! As I start this journey, I would love to give you all a glimpse into my life and what this website is all about. My name is Emmy Silas and I am currently a student at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. I moved to Nashville from a small town in Arkansas to study fashion merchandising, with hopes of one day pursuing a career in fashion. I have a deep-rooted passion for self-expression through fashion, which is what led me to be so interested in the fashion industry.

From this blog, you can anticipate to see some of the fashion projects that I have completed at Belmont so far, my personal fashion insights, and maybe even a few features from some of the most stylish people I know and adore! This is a space that I have created for you all to gather inspiration, explore fashion as art, and a highlight of my personal fashion portfolio. As I stated above, fashion is a form of self-expression. Fashion can be a canvas for creativity and a way to portray your personality. With this blog, I hope to share my respect and love for the fashion industry with you all.

This blog is not only about my fashion journey; it is also about connecting with all of you reading this! I would be thrilled to hear your thoughts, opinions, fashion stories, questions, and anything else you might want to share with me! Please do not hesitate to leave comments, connect with me on social media, or send me an email!

Thank you again so much for being here and taking the time to read this post, I hope you will come back again soon!


Unconventional Materials Project